
Bringing Hope, Strength and Joy to Israeli Children with Cancer and Their Siblings

Sunrise-Israel brings the joys of childhood to children with cancer and their siblings in Israel.

In the heart of every child is a spark of joy, a light that illness cannot extinguish. Through our welcoming, inclusive summer day camps and year-round “Sunrise on Wheels” in-hospital programs—all offered 100% free of charge—we offer a joyful escape that helps children forget their illness.

Since 2010, our programs have reached some 10,000 children across Israel, touching lives with sunshine, laughter, and happiness—even amidst the toughest times of treatment and conflict.

Restoring Childhood’s Light

Sunrise-Israel, is a proud initiative of the Sunrise Association, which, since 2006, has been creating lasting, joyful memories, touching the lives of over 65,000 children worldwide whose lives have been affected by pediatric cancer, restoring the joys of childhood, free of charge.

Spreading Joy in Israel

In 2023 alone, Sunrise-Israel has brightened the lives of over 1,200 children with cancer and their siblings across the country.

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Years of Sunrise-Israel Magic!

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Sunrise-Israel Day Campers Each Summer


Weekly Joyful In-Hospital Programs

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Children Touched Each Year by Sunrise-Israel Programs

The Sunrise-Israel Story

Sunrise-Israel Day Camps: Where Dreams Take Flight

Each Sunrise-Israel Day Camp is a “Land of YES,” where sick children and their healthy siblings experience the full vibrancy of summer regardless of their cancer. From arts and crafts to pool days, science fun and sports adventures, we turn days of treatment into days of triumph. Every moment at camp creates a precious childhood memory, strengthening the children’s emotional resilience and social health, vital components of their healing journey. And for parents, it’s a moment to recharge, a chance to breathe, knowing their children are well cared for in a medically supervised summer day camp that asks for nothing in return but their smiles.

First established in 2010, Sunrise-Israel – the only day-camp of its kind in Israel – now boasts three camps across the country, caring for children ages 3½ to 17, from over 70 communities. Providing joyous magic to thousands of brave Israeli children, Sunrise-Israel has grown into a symbol of hope across the country,

Sunrise on Wheels: Bringing Sunshine Right into the Hospitals

Sunrise on Wheels brings the joys of childhood to young cancer patients undergoing active treatment in the pediatric oncology units of participating hospitals.  With the help of dedicated volunteers and a rainbow trunk brimming with toys, games, and activities, Sunrise on Wheels transforms what would otherwise be difficult days into days full of fun and laughter.

Sunrise on Wheels is a beacon of joy, hope, and caring, touching thousands of children at hospitals, in Israel and beyond. Our program serves a wide age range, from toddlers to young adults, offering age-appropriate activities that engage, entertain and bring joy to our Sunrise children precisely when they need it most.

A Bridge of Hope

Standing as a testament to unity, Sunrise-Israel does all of this and more, regardless of whether the child is Jewish or Arab. Campers and counselors hail from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds from across Israel. In our camps, diversity is celebrated, and language barriers are forgotten through smiles and shared laughter. As such, Sunrise Day Camps are the only multi-cultural, fully bi-lingual (Hebrew and Arabic), day camps of their kind, for children with cancer, and their siblings, in Israel.

Perhaps this is what hope looks like.

Steadfast in Crisis:
Our Post-October 7th Promise

The challenges of cancer are daunting; facing them amidst the chaos of war is almost unimaginable. In the aftermath of October 7th, Sunrise-Israel has intensified its efforts, providing additional support to children and their families during this ongoing crisis. Whether it’s safe transportation for hospital treatments, laptops for remote schooling, or emotional support and trauma relief for parents and children, Sunrise-Israel continues to serve as an anchor of strength and stability, continuing to bring joy, and build resilience during these stressful times.

Your Generosity Has the Power to Transform Lives

Join us in sowing the seeds of joy as we transform lives and bring hope.


sponsors an entire summer of healing, and happiness for a child


stocks a Sunrise on Wheels chest with toys and therapeutic activities


supports a day filled with play and companionship at camp

Support Sunrise-Israel Today

Sunrise-Israel is a place where laughter drowns out fear, and where all children can find common ground, united in happiness. All of Sunrise-Israel’s programs are offered 100% free of charge. Our life-changing services are made possible by generous donations and we are truly grateful to our wonderfully kind and dedicated supporters.

Contact Us

Mirit Frenkel

Executive Director

Abi Blackman

Senior Director Global Resource Development

Morin Kahlon

Resource Development Director