Trevor’s Cancer Story from Horizon Day Camp-Metro DC

During the winter of 2022, our nine-year-old Trevor was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma, a cancer of the soft tissue. Trevor’s diagnosis came on the heels of celebrating his and his biological brother’s adoption into our family just a few months prior. Needless to say, our family of seven felt devastated and overwhelmed. In the midst of his chemo and radiation treatment, we heard about Horizon Day Camp’s newest camp location in Metro DC, just a few miles from Trevor’s treatment center at INOVA Fairfax. Because we were making the daily trek to Fairfax that summer from our home, which was over an hour away, we decided Horizon sounded like a good opportunity for all of our children since the logistics of most other summer activities/camps for them were not possible that year.
During the course of Trevor’s treatment, our neighbors, friends, and church were hard at work meeting our physical and spiritual needs, but it was difficult to put into words or think of ways for our family’s emotional needs to be met. Looking back now, I realize that the emotional support we desperately needed is what Horizon Day Camp gave to our family. During the lowest point of Trevor’s treatment, our kids had a safe, loving environment to go to each weekday with their camp leaders and fellow campers. Horizon was not only a place where our children could focus on games, swimming, and friendly competition, but also a place where their peers and leaders understood the hardships and angst of going through a family crisis like pediatric cancer.
My children came out of camp in 2022 with true joy, sweet friendships, and a tighter bond with each other. Cancer often puts the majority of the family’s focus and energy on the child going through treatment; what a beautiful gift for the patients and their siblings to be able to experience camp together all summer long. Summer 2023 looked very different for the seven of us, and we are so thankful that our children got to celebrate Trevor’s remission with their Horizon family and to use their time at camp encouraging other families who were in the midst of treatment. Our children are already counting down to camp in 2024!